Mountain Bike in Finale Ligure and Savona

Nowadays the Finale Outdoor Region is known and appreciated by bikers from all over the world.

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The most famous trails of the Finale Outdoor Region

Se vieni a Finale in MTB non puoi non farli!

Isallo exstasi + Revenat
It starts from about 1250m above sea level.
A complete trail with continuous changes of terrain: single track, wood, fixed rocks, roots, final part in the pine forest with compressions and changes of pace.

Din + Roller coaster + San pantaleo
First part fast, with single track sections.
Second part full of natural compressions and jumps.
Third part more challenging with fixed rocks, compressions and changes of pace

Toboga di Canova

Divided into 3 parts, it is a succession of turns, fixed stone and pine forest.

Kill bill 1-2
Fixed stone and roots on continuous compressions and steeps.

Madonna della Guardia
The real DH bike, roots and fixed stones, tests riders and suspensions. Not for all!

First part fast with fixed stones. The second, always fast on roots and it doesn’t give up until the end. Not for all!

NATO base
One of the oldest trails. Fast with roots.

Madre Natura
Enduro style, a succession of turns and speed changes.

Similar to NATO base trail, but more guided. A must.

The shortest. Similar to 115

H veloce
Final part on a slight slope. Straights and turns in succession without touching the brakes.

Little champery
First part in the woods with a succession of turns and steeps.
Last part divided into 2 lines: right only for pro, left on fixed stone.

Ca’ bianca
Similar to Little Champery but faster and, at least in the 1st part, less challenging.

900m of rock garden to test the suspensions of the bike.

Ivoland zone
Single track trails with continuous changes of slopes and tight turns.

Also known as "tornantopoli". About ten technical turns and fixed stones.

Bondi trail
Perfect for e-bikes, woods, fixed stones and technical turns even uphill.

DH man and DH woman
Breathtaking view of the sea, gravel and no reference. Old style.

Briga right and left

First part common and fast. On the Left, single track with fixed stones. On the right, passages on fixed stone are on average challenging and then move on to single track.

Capo Noli lighthouse
Easy downhill on rough stone with a view of the Gulf of Noli.

24h ring
Great for e-bikes with single track climbs and downhills.

The most famous trails of the Finale Outdoor Region
The most famous trails of the Finale Outdoor Region

The trails of Konca Verde in Savona

Ciuto express
First part fast with technical turns. Central part with challenging climbs. Last part with steep and speed changes

Kazzu trail
14% average gradient, a succession of perfectly banked turns , jumps and fixed stone.

Fast with changes between single track and well-worked path.

A long rock garden

Forte Angeli
Continuous changes of terrain and speed.

Passione d'Agosto
Fast, with guided sections and final part on fixed stone.

For those who love the steep.

The trails of Konca Verde in Savona
The trails of Konca Verde in Savona
A.S.D. Ride Extreme Via Domenico Brunenghi, 275 - 17024 Finale Ligure (SV) - P.IVA 01740310097 | PRIVACY | COOKIE
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